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Grade 10 Revision

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QBASIC Programs Class 9

QBASIC Programs Class 9

  1. Write a QBASIC program to find the square of supplied number.
  2.  Write a QBASIC program to check whether the supplied number is negative or positive
  3. Write a QBASIC program to find the largest among three numbers.
  4. Write a QBASIC program to check whether the given number is even or odd.
  5. Write a QBASIC program to calculate area of circle.
  6. Write a QBASIC program to find the factorial of a given number
  7. Write a QBASIC program to find the average of three numbers.
  8. Write a QBASIC program to print the first 10 natural numbers.
  9.  Write a QBASIC program to check whether the supplied number is divisible by 10 or not.
  10.  Write a QBASIC program to print multiplication table of “n” number.
  11. Write a QBASIC program to display: 7,22,11,34 …. Up to 10th terms.
  12. Write a QBASIC program to test whether the supplied number is palindrome or not.
  13. To calculate the circumference of a circle. ( Hint: C= 2∏r)
  14. To check whether the given number is positive, negative or zero.
  15. To find the square root of given number.
  16. To check whether a particular year is leap year or not.
  17. To display first ten even numbers.
  18. To calculate the product of individual digits of a multi-digit number.
  19. To calculate the area of a circle. ( Hint: A= ∏r2)
  20. To check whether the smallest number among three supplied numbers.
  21. To calculate the HCF of two given numbers.
  22. To display first ten odd numbers.
  23. To print the multiplication table of given number.
  24. To calculate the sum of individual digits of a multi-digit number.
  25. Write a QBASIC program to find the cube of supplied number.
  26. Write a QBASIC program to check whether the supplied number is even or odd.
  27. Write a QBASIC program to find the factorial of a given number
  28. Write a QBASIC program to print the first 10 natural numbers. a) Write a QBASIC program to find the square root of supplied number.
  29. Write a QBASIC program to check whether the given year is leap year or not.
  30. Write a QBASIC program to count the number of vowels from a given word.
  31. Write a QBASIC program to print the following series 2 2 4 6 upto 20th terms

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